Module lege.struct

Allows the creation of strict structs.

Strict structs defined by this module have strict field access (I.E. trying to get or set the value of a field that is undefined for a given struct type is an error).


    local struct = require "lege.struct"
    -- Define a Point struct, to hold x and y coordinates
    local Point = struct 'Point' {
    x = 0,
    y = 0,
    -- Create a Point
    local p = Point {
    x = 10,
    y = 20,
    print(p) --> struct Point: 0xdeadbeaf
    assert(p.x == 10)
    assert(p.y == 20)
    -- Trying to access or modify an undefined field is an error
    -- print(p.z) --> Error: no field 'z' on struct Point
    -- When constructing a new struct, unspecified fields get their default
    values p = Point {x=1} assert(p.x == 1) assert(p.y == 0)
    -- Struct fields can be modified as you'd expect, but don't set them to nil!
    p.y = 42
    assert(p.y == 42)

Meta Methods

__tostring Convert a struct type to a human-readable string.


returns... ()
_struct_err_nf (self, key) Raises an error caused by access to an undefined struct field.
new_instance (instance) Create a new struct type.
struct_body (fields) Define a struct's body.
struct (string) Create a struct type.

Meta Methods

Convert a struct type to a human-readable string. Currently we merely output the struct's name and address.


  • self struct The struct to convert to a string


returns... ()


    A function struct that Allows you to define structs
_struct_err_nf (self, key)
Raises an error caused by access to an undefined struct field.


  • self struct The struct instance
  • key string The key that was undefined


An error indicating which field was undefined, and on which struct type
new_instance (instance)
Create a new struct type. This is used as a closure returned from struct_body, and creates a new instance of a struct. Any unset fields are set to their default value as defined by the struct type.


  • instance table Table to use as the struct instance, including any pre-initialized fields


    table The passed instance, modified to be a struct of the correct type


If instance contains undefined fields for the struct type
struct_body (fields)
Define a struct's body. A closure over a struct's name returned from struct which creates a new metatable for the struct type, and allows you to define what fields and default values the struct has.


  • fields table Fields and default values for the new struct type


    A closure new_instance over the struct type's name and fields to create a new instance of the defined struct type
struct (string)
Create a struct type.


  • string name The struct's type name (used when converting to string)


    A closure over name struct_body to allow you to specify the struct's fields and default values
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-03-04 22:59:08